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Report: ANSLL Long Term Planning/Capital Improvements Committee
Last update: 12 Oct 2018
Chair: Vacant

This page lists an overview of the report.  For a full report, please submit request to Don Pedersen at [email protected]

Capital Improvements Committee was formed to investigate long term projects that would improve the parks, facilities and equipment that ANSLL utilizes.  The following is a combination of the projects discussed and the outcomes of those discussions.  As this is a “long-term” project list it is to be amended (added and/or removed) accordingly as projects are decided upon or more information is received.  The funding for projects would be obtained from the Certificates of Deposit (CD’s) and Money Market accounts that ANSLL currently maintains.
ANSLL Constitution:


Section 4 Building and Property Committee
The Board of Directors may appoint a Building and Property Committee consisting of three (3) Directors and other appointed Regular Members. The Committee shall investigate and recommend available, suitable sites and plans for development, including ways and means, the latter in cooperation with the Finance Committee. It shall be responsible for repair and improvement recommendations, other than normal maintenance, and supervise the performance of approved projects.
Section 5 Grounds Committee
(May be combined with Building and Property Committee) The Board of Directors may appoint a Grounds Committee which shall be responsible for the care and maintenance of the playing field(s), buildings and grounds. It shall operate within the amount appropriated in the approved budget for that purpose.

 Improvement Ideas:

Completed Projects

Proposed Projects

Incapable Projects

BrainStorming Ideas

Completed Projects

Flag Pole Bench - Completed September 2013
Canterbury Eagle Scout Project  included constructing a seating area around the flag pole at Pine Ridge.

Scoreboards - Completed September 2013
Canterbury Eagle Scout Project, reinstalled manual scoreboards on fields 2 and 3 at Pine Ridge.

Flag Pole Lighting  - Project Completed March 2012 smiley

ANSLL was in violation of the Federal Flag Code.
It is the universal custom to display the flag only from sunrise to sunset on buildings and on stationary flagstaffs in the open. However, when a patriotic effect is desired, the flag may be displayed 24 hours a day if properly illuminated during hours of darkness
In 2011, ANSLL paid about $10/month for the electricity at Howery.  Many years back ANSLL created and installed the lighting and landscaping around the flag pole at Howery.  That is why the county does not maintain that area, ANSLL is supposed to maintain/weed and pay the electric bill.
Solar is the answer.  We should discontinue/remove the Howery lighting and install solar lighting at all 3 fields.  Solar will run about $120/pole as a one time cost for commercial grade lights & mounting. 
In 2011 ANSLL paid $286.33 in electric fees total.  Having Solar will lower that cost by eliminating the light source at Howery and also make ANSLL compliant with the US Flag Code.


Nov 2011 - Committee request BOD approval to purchase 3 solar flagpole lights. About $360.00
BOD approved Nov 2011
FCPA Approved in Feb 2012
Project Completed March 2012

US Flags - Completed April 2012smiley

Flagpole Height/Flag Size
20' flagpole/3' X 5' or 4' X 6' flag
25' flagpole/5' X 8' flag
30'-35' flagpole/6' X 10' flag
40'-45' flagpole/8' X 12' flag
50' flagpole/10' X 15' flag

60'-65' flagpole/10' X 19' flag
Tip: The length of your flag should be between one-quarter and one-third the height of your flagpole.

March 2012 - BOD Approved new flag
April 2012 - New 8x12 flag ordered and installed at Pine Ridge.

Pitching Machines for Farm leagues - Completed April 2012smiley

ANSLL has several types of pitching machines. 
Electrical Jugs machines: Double wheeled, single wheel Pro and Junior.
Mechanical:  Louisville Slugger UPM 45


April 2012 - BOD approved ordering 2 Louisville Slugger 45 (blue) mechanical machines at the April 2012 meeting.
April 2012 - 2 new UMP 45 machines ordered and delivered, so 1 machine is currently at each field.

Mowers - Completed March 2012smiley

Board Meeting minutes
January 2006 –


June 2012 - A like new (demo) tractor was purchased for use at Howery.

March 2012 - Mowers were transported, serviced and returned to the fields.

Turf in Cages Completed March 2013smiley
Milan had turf donated in 2009.  Didn't want to put turf in unless we had a good base of stone in first.  Stone is now in, now need to get turf into cages.  May need to address drainage first, as now that there is stone in, the water doesn’t drain well near the far side of the cages and pools in the framework.
Install French drains along far rear of cages under the stone, and then install turf.  A group effort will be required to install the turf.  Contact [email protected] to volunteer for this effort.

Milan spoke with Todd Thompson (Brickman) and he indicated ANSLL currently is using the smallest commercial grade mower available (48” mower deck).  Any larger mowers would require a new dedicated storage location as the mowers would either not fit in the current sheds, or take up too much room.  Todd indicated that mowers can be purchased off leasing companies that have been used for their lease term and available for resale.  If necessary, he can provide details.
With the current state of the mowers a few solutions are available.


  • Store them in a shed by themselves to prevent damage from climbing over/on them to get to things in the sheds.  New Mower only sheds would need purchased.
  • Have the Director of Facilities send them in for winter service in Nov/Dec, when the shops are slower and winterizing them can prolong the life of the mowers.  Committee is recommending this option.

Proposed Projects

These are projects that have either already been proposed to the ANSLL Board or will be proposed once a path foward is outlined by FCPA.
Lightning Detectors
ANSLL used to have them mounted on the sheds at the fields.  They were vandalized and/or stolen.  We should look into a system that is removable and/or does not need to be mounted.  I think the last ones were probably taken down by residents as every time there was a storm they would go off (and they were loud).

April 2012 - Written inquiry being sent to FCPA regarding installation requirements.
Feb 2012 - Brian Canterbury (Safety Officer) is researching and to incorporate into Safety Plan and Budget


Pine Ridge netting/fencing
Still a major safety hazard for foul balls coming off Major's field to the fans and players of fields 2 & 3.

June 2012 - FCPA will contact Fence Contractor and arrange for meeting at Pine Ridge with FCPA, Contractor and ANSLL rep to discuss options and obtain proposal.

March 2012 - Inquiry sent to FCPA regarding the process to raise the height of the fences on field #1.


Pine Ridge Common Area

April 2012 - Inquiry sent to FCPA regarding the swamp areas between the fields.  Possibly regrade the area or add walkways.

Outdoor Bulletin Boards

April 2012 - Inquiry sent to FCPA regaring regulations to install bulleting baords at the fields.

Tree Planting

April 2012 - Inquiry sent to FCPA regarding planting trees at the parks.  Trees cannot be installed until the turf field projects are completed.  Planned for 2014.


Incapable Projects

Batting Cages

ANSLL should utilize the Fairfax County MastenBrook Volunteer Matching Fund Grant program.
This program allows individuals or groups to request capital development funds to match volunteer group resources for projects to improve Fairfax County Park Authority parks and park facilities. The goal is to assist volunteers in improving county parks by matching their funds/in-kind services.


6/15/12 - The county does not allow temporary cages.  Permanent cages are the only option and there is not suitable space for constructing permanent cages.  No further actions will be pursued.

4/18/12 - A written inquiry is being proposed to FCPA about possibilities of temporary cages for the season and/or smaller cages than the required 70', since majority of users would be younger ages.

There is a very limited area that batting cages can be installed at Howery Park.  Best area may be on the right side of the photo near the east entrance. See Figure 1: Howery Park.  Milan surveyed the area for possible locations and will need to talk with County personnel further on the placement of the cages before further steps are taken.

  1. SouthWest corner – too close to end zone
  2. RF line of Field 1 – will run into parking lot and/or football field
  3. Between Field 2 and 3 – eliminate multi-use of field (football uses them) and flagpole would need relocated.
  4. Park East Entrance – Possible, but would require moving entrance sign and 3b bleachers

Pine Ridge Playground Area
In 2007 Milan attended the County Master Plan meetings and had explored the subject of adding a playground area and trees.  At that time it was indicated that those items would not be required to be in the Master Plan.
However, those items could be added outside of the scope of the Amendment being proposed, so the Committee is now revisiting those items.  A playground area between the soccer and baseball fields was the idea.  A shelter/picnic area was also discussed.
June 2012 - FCPA surveyed the area and due to proximity of storm drains and balls leaving the fields of play (soccer & baseball) a suitable location was not in reason. 

April 20112 - Committee will need to research what is involved in the planning and requirements for construction.  Milan has sent an email to FCPA inquiring about the process and involvement necessary.


Brainstorming Ideas

These ideas are general ones that have not been explored to date, but may be considered in the future.

BBQ grills
Install permanent grills at the parks

Shelter at Pine Ridge
Ask FCPA if possible and if this would require ammending the master plan.

Backstop Mats for cages

Prevents balls from bouncing off the poles and fence

Portable Pitching Mounds for bullpens

Less maintenance on mounds


Projects are on-going, suggestions for the Committee should be sent to Don Pedersen, [email protected]

Annandale-North Springfield Little League

P.O. Box 1192 
Annandale, Virginia 22003
Email : [email protected]
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