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Welcome to Annandale-North Springfield Little League

Annandale-North Springfield Little League

Safety Statement

The Annandale-North Springfield Little League (ANSLL) takes the safety and security of our players seriously and conducts background checks on all adults who volunteer for the organization.

The ANSLL Safety Officer conducts background checks each season (spring and fall) on the following volunteers:

  1. Coaches/Team Managers
  2. Assistant coaches
  3. Board of Director members
  4. Committee members
  5. Adult Umpires

Any person wishing to volunteer in ANSLL must complete a volunteer application form each year, either online or request a hard copy form, and submit a signed copy to the Safety Officer ([email protected]).  All requested information must be provided by the applicant, including Social Security number, driver license number (or other state issued photo I.D. if the applicant does not drive) and date of birth. The application form also includes a Criminal Background Check Release.

Criminal background checks are performed on an ongoing basis throughout the year. The responses on the ANSLL Volunteer Application Form may target certain individuals for automatic background checks.

The Notice of Duty to Review Criminal Record process is initiated by the Safety Officer for ANSLL. When a negative determination is made, a copy of the criminal conviction report received by the Safety Officer must be sent to that volunteer applicant in an envelope marked “Confidential - to be opened by addressee only,” along with the Notice of Duty to Review Criminal Record cover letter.

  1.  If a conviction is disclosed or discovered, ANSLL Staff must make a decision on whether or not the applicant may be used based on the following guidelines and partial Table of Convictions and advise the ANSLL Coaching Coordinator of its decision. As used in this policy, the term conviction refers to a conviction entered after a trial, after a guilty plea or after a plea of no contest/nolo contendere.
  2. Any application form that does not contain honest answers or that misrepresents the number, type or gravity of any such conviction(s) will not be approved irrespective of the nature of the offense or the time that has transpired since the conviction.
  3. Any individual on probation or required to complete a court ordered rehabilitation or other such program following a conviction for a crime appearing on the Table of Convictions will not be considered to serve as a volunteer until all terms and conditions established by the court have been satisfied and proof of completion submitted to ANSLL.
  4. Any person convicted of a crime against or otherwise involving a minor at any time in the past will not be approved to be a volunteer.
  5. Most felony convictions will result in a negative determination. Evidence of multiple convictions, either felony or misdemeanor, are likely to also result in a negative determination. Where a conviction is remote in time or where the applicant’s conduct since the conviction(s) indicates rehabilitation or lack of risk to the membership and the program, some leeway may be provided, but only with the concurrence of the Coaching Coordinator and Board of Directors.
  6. Persons convicted of a crime of violence or other serious crime against a person (including major sex offenses) within the prior 20 years should be disqualified from any position listed in policy paragraph #1 above.
  7. Persons convicted of a theft related crime or fraud within the prior 15 years should be disqualified from any position involving the handling of funds or property.
  8. Persons convicted of a serious substance abuse crime within the past 10 years should be disqualified from any coaching position or any position that leads children's activities.
  9. Persons convicted of less serious crimes of violence, substance abuse or one of the listed miscellaneous crimes within the past 5 years should be disqualified from any coaching position or any position that leads children's activities.
  10. DUI: Persons convicted of driving while under the influence within the preceding 3 years will be disqualified from holding the position of team coach or assistant coach. Persons convicted of driving under the influence within the preceding 3 years may be accepted for other volunteer positions with the understanding that they are prohibited from driving any child or ANSLL volunteer other than immediate family members to or from an ANSLL activity.

If any discretion is exercised in the application of this policy, it must be exercised in a uniform manner, so that substantially similar convictions and circumstances result in substantially similar treatment of potential volunteers. The Board of Directors will be immediately notified when a negative determination is made, or if there are issues related to an application. The specific results leading to a negative determination must remain confidential unless the applicant is willing to reveal the results to the Board of Directors.

TABLE OF CONVICTIONS (a partial list)

Violent Crimes & Serious Crimes Against a Person:

  • Aggravated Assault
  • Aggravated Battery w/ Firearm
  • Armed Robbery
  • Arson
  • Assault
  • Attempted Murder
  • Battery
  • Blackmail
  • Child Abduction
  • Child Pornography
  • Cruelty to Animals
  • Domestic Battery
  • Endangering the Life or Health of a Child
  • Exploitation of a Child
  • Extortion
  • Harboring a Runaway
  • Hate Crime
  • Home Invasion
  • Hit and Run Causing Injury/Death
  • Kidnapping
  • Murder
  • Possession of explosives
  • Preventing a 911 Call
  • Terrorism
  • Reckless Homicide
  • Robbery
  • Second Degree Murder
  • Stalking
  • Solicitation for Murder
  • Tampering w/Food or Drugs
  • Threatening Public Officials
  • Treason
  • Unlawful Restraint
  • Vehicular Car Jacking
  • Vehicular Endangerment
  • Violation of Order of Protection

Less Serious Crimes Against a Person

  • Harassment
  • Harassment of Jurors or Witnesses
  • Involuntary Manslaughter
  • Intimidation
  • Obscene Phone Calls
  • Simple Assault
  • Restraining Order

Sex Offenses:

  • Bigamy
  • Child Pornography
  • Criminal Sexual Abuse
  • Criminal Sexual Assault
  • Criminal Transmission of HIV
  • Distribution/Sale of Pornography to a Minor
  • Indecent Exposure
  • Indecent Solicitation of a Child
  • Keeping a Place of Prostitution
  • Lewd and Lascivious Behavior
  • Obscenity
  • Pandering
  • Pimping
  • Prostitution
  • Public Indecency
  • Sex with a Minor
  • Sexual Exploitation of a Child
  • Solicitation of a Sexual Act

Theft-related Crimes:

  • Bid Rigging
  • Bid Rotating & Kickbacks
  • Bribery
  • Burglary
  • Check Kiting
  • Fencing of Stolen goods
  • Forgery
  • Industrial Espionage
  • Interference with Public Contracts
  • Looting
  • Money Laundering
  • Misuse of Credit Card
  • Possession of Burglary Tools
  • Tax Evasion
  • Theft of Intellectual Property
  • Ticket Scalping
  • Welfare Fraud


  • Deceptive Sales
  • Fraudulent Advertisement
  • Insurance Fraud
  • Mail and Wire Fraud
  • Odometer Fraud
  • Public Aid Fraud

Serious Substance Abuse Crimes:

  • Abuse of Prescription Medicines
  • Criminal Drug Conspiracy
  • Distribution of Alcohol to Minors
  • Illegal Transportation of Controlled Substances
  • Possession of Marijuana, more than one ounce
  • Possession of Illegal Substances
  • Sale or Manufacture of Illegal Substances

Miscellaneous Substance Abuse Crimes

  • Driving Under the Influence
  • Drunk in Public
  • Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
  • Possession of Marijuana, less than one ounce
  • Sale of Alcohol to a Minor

Miscellaneous Crimes:

  • Aggravated Discharge of a Firearm
  • Concealing or Aiding a Fugitive
  • Criminal Damage to Property
  • Criminal Trespass
  • Discrimination in Sale of Real Estate
  • Disorderly Conduct
  • Driving without a License
  • Driving without Insurance
  • Environmental Crimes
  • Gunrunning
  • Identity Switching
  • Illegal Gambling
  • Impersonating a Law Enforcement Officer
  • Unlawful Sale of Firearms
  • Interference with Judicial Proceeding
  • Obstructing Justice
  • Legislative Misconduct
  • Obscene Phone Calls
  • Perjury
  • Reckless Conduct
  • Reckless Driving
  • Repeated Traffic Offenses
  • Tampering with Public Records
  • Unlawful Possession of Weapons
  • Unlawful Use of Body Armor
  • Unlawful Use, Sale, or Discharge of a Metal Piercing Bullet
  • Vandalism



Annandale-North Springfield Little League

P.O. Box 1192 
Annandale, Virginia 22003
Email : [email protected]
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